NEW Sleep Deprivation and Its Link to Obesity

We all are aware that getting good sleep at night has a direct impact on how we feel during the day, but we are unaware that it may cause us to gain extra weight. If you are sleepy at work, you will be tempted to reach for a cup of coffee or maybe more and a slice of chocolate or a doughnut to boost your energy throughout the day!

The result of lack of sleep is to fight it off! The ultimate result? Unwanted pounds coupled with a lack of exercise set the stage for obesity and further sleep loss. As you become sluggish and sleepy, you may skip the gym or even order a take-out on your way home because you have no time to cook for your family. Later on, you find yourself back in your bed.

Sleep deprivation can sabotage your waistline and your health. You will run low on energy and will automatically go for a bag of potato chips or other comfort foods. In many studies, middle-aged women who suffer from sleep disorders will be more likely to have problems with their weight compared to those who get an eight-hour sleep. Why?

Being tired cause you to eat more! There will be a decrease in your body’s leptin, the hormone that suppresses appetite as ghrelin increases,  the one that stimulates appetite. It is vital to normalize bedtimes and wake-up times so as to tell your body what to expect. It helps support the so-called internal clock or circadian rhythm.

The good thing is, there is a remedy to bad sleeping habits.  Researchers recognized one possible solution: A mattress! The right Orange County mattress can help relieve sleep problems and tells your body of what it feels like to be rested. A good type of mattress reduce the pressure points on your body and should give you a better night’s sleep,

In another study that evaluated more than 16,000 nights of sleep, it manifested that even small differences in Orange County mattress support can correlate with changes in sleep and pain. A clear indication that mattresses do matter.