Why Purchase the Best Bed from a Reputable Mattress Store in San Diego

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that people aged 18-60 should try to get at least seven hours of sleep each night. But, according to a survey conducted by a government agency, about 35% of Americans receive less than this recommended amount. With everyone’s busy schedule, it seems that getting some genuine shut-eye is becoming evermore challenging.

Sleeping, however, isn’t just a way to recharge your body. It provides many health benefits you may not even know about.

Learn Faster

Studying a new language? Once you’ve learned all you can for the day, take a break and catch some Zs. According to scientists, sleep is a great opportunity for your brain to consolidate all the new data it has received, thereby speeding the learning process.

Live Longer

If you’re cutting your sleep time short, you may be cutting your life expectancy short, too. A 2010 study found that in women aged 50-79, more deaths occurred in those who got less than five of hours of sleep per night. Think about that the next time you put off your bedtime.

Stay Fitter

People who get enough sleep also tend to have better and more productive workouts. When you’re sleep deprived, your exercise routine seems so much harder, and you’re more likely to call it quits or put in less effort as a result.

Be Healthier

Did you know that ample sleep can help you fend off colds? Researchers reported this in a study published by JAMA Internal Medicine. People who slept five or fewer hours were found to be more susceptible to contracting a virus than those who slept the recommended eight hours.

Eat Better

Ever gotten the munchies when sleep deprived? That’s because your body’s appetite hormones—ghrelin, leptin and insulin—are disrupted by lack of sleep, causing you to feel food cravings.

Of course, a good mattress is key to getting a good night’s sleep. If your current one hasn’t been replaced in the last decade or so, visit a mattress store in San Diego to look for a new one that sleeps well.

Should the price of a new mattress worry you, find a liquidating company holding a mattress sale in San Diego. Liquidators stock overruns and cancelled orders in top-notch condition, yet reasonably priced.


6 Surprising Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep, health.usnews.com

11 Surprising Health Benefits of Sleep, health.com